The semi-charmed life of Chippa Wilson

The semi-charmed life of Chippa Wilson by Anthony Pancia - Photos Russell Ord (From the book Water Is Freedom)

Chris “Chippa” Wilson on the life and times of a professional free surfer.

It was sometime around the late nineties when the title of “free surfer” began doing the rounds in surfing circles.

At the time, a chosen few were pulled from the competitive grind of the professional surfing tour and gifted a golden ticket to explore the farthest reaches of the globe for empty and photogenic waves.

It was of course a different time when the surf industry had pockets full of cash to throw at advertising spaces in magazines and images of these free-wheeling surfing vagabonds standing tall in remote waves seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

As those pockets of cash gradually disappeared so too did the roster of surfers paid to chase the dream.

Today, just a handful of surfers can rightfully pen the word “free surfer” atop the annual tax return and all work hard for their money.

No longer are they dispatched to the four corners of the globe for months on end, rather sent on pre-determined “strike” missions in a bid to capture optimal conditions in the shortest amount of time.

By his own admission, Chris “Chippa” Wilson came along late in life to the role of free surfer but works the title like few others.

Consequently, he’s carved out a niche for himself, so much so he finds himself booked by various magazine editors and sponsors months ahead.

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